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Analytics 101

Analytics 101

Understand how Motive Analytics equips you with the information you need to enhance your catalogue's effectiveness, boost shopper engagement, and ultimately increase conversions. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, this tutorial provides clear, step-by-step instructions to harness the full potential of Motive Analytics.

Banners 101

Banners 101

Motive Banners empower you to spotlight important promotions and guide shoppers toward specific actions, ultimately enhancing engagement and increasing conversions. Whether you're new to this feature or seeking to refine your approach, this tutorial provides straightforward, step-by-step instructions to maximize the effectiveness of Motive Banners.

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Backroom is the newest Motive feature, designed to provide shop owners with real-time insights into product performance as they use their shop's search.

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We're giving 40k€!

We want to help as many retailers as we can while also directly supporting the community of customers that trust us day in day out with their search needs.

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New Motive Docs

In some awkard exercise of metareferrencing, you can see here in Motive Docs that there is a new solution available for our documentation set.

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