About Motive

Motive Commerce Search is a plug-and-play solution that allows you to provide your shoppers with a customised and joyful search experience, while respecting their privacy at all times.


Motive Commerce Search is available for PrestaShop, Wordpress, WooCommerce, Magento and Shopify.

An enjoyable search based on trust

Motive.co is a sister company to Empathy.co (opens new window), with which shares its goals and foundations. Empathy stepped into the searching industry for online stores to bring human-centered design principles to technology and spark trust and joy in every Search and Discovery experience.

The backbone of this search engine is made of trust and respect for people's data, as it creates a safe environment in which shoppers and shop owners develop a mutual sense of respect and understanding.

In this data-driven world, Motive Commerce Search's goal is to offer respectful encounters for online businesses, granting them the browsing capabilities expected from big brands and an equal chance of success.

The Motive search layer

An improved search tool for your shop

Shop builders, such as PrestaShop and WooCommerce, provide a basic indexing and browsing service that may feel incomplete, lacking a sophisticated and effective search experience for customers. Motive Commerce Search steps in to fill that essential gap and allows shoppers to have a frictionless and enjoyable shopping experience, similar to those found in their favourite shops. Our aim is to stand out by continually improving a beautiful and intuitive interface that anybody can use.

Making the most of your online shop

By adding Motive Commerce Search to your online shop you will:

  • Achieve an incomparable search experience to get and retain customers.
  • Make your customers happy and have them come back to your shop.
  • Add a fully integrated search layer that matches your brand design perfectly.
  • Better understand your customers' shopping journey.
  • Customise how your products are displayed on your shop's search layer.

Create a place where people love to shop

Motive Commerce Search isn't just a tool for shop owners to enhance their online shops, but also for shoppers to:

  • Find what they’re looking for quickly.
  • Discover new, interesting products.
  • Shop from any device and have a joyful experience through various channels.

A Playboard for tweaks and analytics

You can better understand your shopper's search behaviour thanks to the built-in visual dashboard, and use our visual customisation features to control how your products are displayed, improving product findability and customer satisfaction.