What is search in Motive

Searches are queries entered by your customers, pieces of information a shopper searches for by typing words in a search bar.

Search timer

In Motive, searches are defined by our Instant Search algorithm, which automatically triggers them and offers shoppers the best results without storing any of their personal data.

Every time a shopper uses the search box, a 300-milliseconds timer is started. When the time between characters is shorter than 300 milliseconds, the counter is rebooted. This allows for better performance as fewer unnecessary queries reach the server, resulting in a more dynamic searching experience.

Let's imagine that a shopper is a big fan of Arthur Conan Doyle. While trying to get to his favourite books. Until the moment that shopper enters the intended term, the following steps happen:

  1. The shopper enters shler by mistake and corrects it quickly.
  2. The shopper enters sherlok holmes by mistake and takes some time to notice.
  3. The shopper enters sherlock holmes, the intended search term.

Considering the 300-milliseconds timer, the following happens:

Search intent

  • The quick correction is not considered a search, so she won't appear in your analytics.
  • The other two searches (sherlok holmes, sherlock holmes) are recorded as valid searches, as defined by Motive's Instant Search algorithm.

A search’s journey

Once an input becomes a search, it goes through a quick path until it returns results to the shopper. Every search interaction is represented by a Query Session ID, which is reset every time a shopper clears the words entered in the search box.


The ID does not reset when the shopper uses pagination, filters or sorting.

We use the information sent by this ID to create charts that help you understand how shoppers interact with the search box.

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