Get the plugin
Motive Commerce Search is publicly available for PrestaShop, WooCommerce and Magento. You can configure Motive for your shop installing the required plugin and following a few steps.
Getting the PrestaShop plugin
You can get the Motive Commerce Search plugin (module) from this link (opens new window) or by clicking Download module during the platform selection step in the installation.
Access your PrestaShop Admin Panel.
In the left-side menu, click Modules > Module Catalog.
On the top right, click Upload a module.
Either drag or manually look for and select the .zip file.
Click Configure.
Scroll down. In the Connect to Motive here section, click Copy token.
Once you use this token, do not generate a new one in PrestaShop: The connection between your shop and Motive would break.
If you already have a Motive user account, click I already have an account to continue configuring Motive. If you do not have an account yet, you can sign up now (opens new window).
Getting the WooCommerce plugin
You can get the Motive Commerce Search plugin directly from your WordPress Control Panel, even before signing up to Motive.
Access your Wordpress Control Panel.
In the left-side menu, click Plugins > Add new.
Search for
Motive Commerce Search
.In the Motive plugin, click Install Now.
Click Activate.
In the left-side menu, access the Motive plugin page.
Scroll down. In the Connect to Motive here section, click Copy token.
Once you use this token, do not generate a new one in WooCommerce: The connection between your shop and Motive would break.
If you already have a Motive user account, click I already have an account to continue configuring Motive. If you do not have an account yet, you can sign up now (opens new window).
Getting the Magento plugin
To configure Motive, you have to take some steps to configure Magento so it can find the Motive Commerce Search repository.
Find the repository where you have Magento installed.
Once in your Magento 2 server directory, add the Motive Commerce Search package in your composer.json file by introducing these commands:
composer config repositories.motive composer composer require motive_commerce_search/commerce-search:^1.0.0
Then, set up the Motive Commerce Search module by running the following commands:
bin/magento module:enable Motive_CommerceSearch --clear-static-content bin/magento setup:upgrade bin/magento setup:di:compile bin/magento cache:clean
In the Motive integration screen, click Go to next step.
Then, you need to connect to Motive. In the Connect to Motive screen, follow these steps:
Enter the Name of your site.
Enter the Security key. You can find it by running the following command in your project:
bin/magento motive:token:get
Enter the URL of your site.
Click Connect Motive.