Manage Analytics

Click Analytics in the left-side menu to access the Analytics page of your Motive Playboard. You can then learn more about how your customers interact with your catalogue through search, and export that data.

Displaying search details

You can see further details for every term in searches with results and searches with no results.

Displaying searches with results

Click View searches at the top right corner of the Searches with results section.


The page displays the following:

Column Description
Search Term searched.
Searches Number of times the term was searched for.
Clicks The number of times the search resulted in clicks on any product card or add-to-cart button.
Visits Number of clicks on product cards but not on add to cart.
A2C Number of clicks on add to cart from product cards and product pages.
CTR Click Through Rate: Percentage of searches resulting in clicks on products.
CR Conversion Rate: Percentage of searches that result in an add to cart.


The most searched terms appear higher in the table.

Displaying searches with no results

Click View searches at the top right corner of the Searches with no results section.

The page displays the following:

Column Description
Search Term searched.
Searches Number of times the term was searched for.
% of searches Percentage of searches for the specific term in relation to the total number of searches with no results.


The most searched terms appear higher in the table.

Time frame

To visualize data for a specific time span, select the date you want to compare in the picker at the top-right corner.

Exporting search data

You can export search data to import it into a Business Intelligence tool and analyze the performance of your search and better understand your customers' behavior.

You can export data for:

  • Searches with results
  • Searches with no results
  • Searches over time

Exporting searches with results

Obtain a CSV file with the content of the Searches with results section for the selected time frame.

  • Click View searches at the top right corner of the Searches with results section.
  • Click Export data at the top right corner of the page.
  • Click Download data.

Exporting searches with no results

Obtain a CSV file with the content of the Searches with no results section for the selected time frame.

  • Click View searches at the top right corner of the Searches with no results section.
  • Click Export data at the top right corner of the page.
  • Click Download data.

Exporting searches over time

Obtain a CSV file with the content of the Searches over time graph for the selected time frame.

  • Click the download icon at the top right corner of the Searches over time section.
  • Click Download data.