Understand Business Rules

Motive's Business rules allow you to decide in which position certain search results are displayed based on the values ​​of the following fields in your catalogue: category, brand, and product ID.

For example, you can decide to have items from a given brand or product category appear at the top or bottom of the search layer results page.

The Business Rules page

Click Promotions > Business Rules in the left-side menu to access the Business Rules page. It displays all the business rules created in your account.


If you do not see any business rules on your Business Rules page yet, you can create the first one.

Business Rules

You see the following information for each rule:

Column Description
Action What the rule does. It can be one of the following options:
- Boost: chosen items appear higher in search results
- Bury: eligible items appear lower in search results
Field The type of field you created the rule for. It can be one of the following ones: Category, Brand, or Product ID.
Values The attributes of the field you want to apply an action to.
Searches The specific search terms to which the rule applies.
Updated The date when the rule was last updated.


When both boost and bury business rules affect one item at the same time, the item will appear in the position it would have in the search results if neither business rule affected it.

You can use the language drop-down menu at the top right corner of the page to filter your rules by language.