Manage Banners

Click Promotions > Banners in the left-side menu to access the Banners page. It displays all the banners created in your account. You can then add a new banner or edit or delete existing ones.

Creating banners

You can add a new banner at any point.

Banners creation

  1. Click Add banner.

  2. In Language, select the language for which you want to create the banner.

  3. In Searches, choose if the banner is shown for All searches or for Specific searches.


    If you select specific searches, enter in Search terms the search terms for which the banner is visible. This allows you to create specific campaigns for certain items. Hit Enter to save a term.

  4. In Banner image URL, paste a link to the image the banner will display. Note that the image has to be hosted externally.

  5. (Optional) In Target link, enter the URL of the site you want the banner to redirect users to.

  6. Click Save.

A notification appears, confirming that the banner has been saved.

Editing banners

You can edit a banner to modify its details. For example, you can modify its banner image URL or its search terms.


You cannot edit the language of the banner.

  1. Hover the mouse over the banner you want to edit.
  2. Click the pen icon to the right of the banner.
  3. Modify the required details.
  4. Click Save.

A notification appears, confirming that the banner has been saved.

Deleting banners

You can delete banners that you don't need anymore. When you delete a banner, it disappears from the search results.


This action cannot be undone.

  1. Hover the mouse over the banner you want to delete.
  2. Click the trash bin icon to the right of the banner.
  3. In the confirmation pop-up, click Delete.

A notification appears, confirming that the banner has been deleted.