Understand Featured Products
The Featured section allows you to decide which items appear in the product carousel when your shoppers start to search. You can decide whether to have them seeing products that are featured automatically or the ones you have manually selected.
This page gives you a detailed instruction of how to configure your search’s featured products.
The Featured page
Click Promotions > Featured in the left-side menu to access the Featured page. From there, you can select which products are highlighted in your shop’s search:
- Popular products: A product carousel will be automatically generated and updated daily, showing the more popular products in your shop’s search.
- Recommended products: If you choose this option, you can select the Product IDs of the products you want to highlight by entering them in the text box, separated by a comma. Consider the limitations since 4 to 12 product IDs can be shown simultaneously.
There are some scenarios where manually deciding the recommended products can be beneficial for your shop and your shoppers' search experience: - **New arrivals**: Show your shoppers the new items that are available in your shop or those that you have recently restocked, so that shoppers can explore the latest additions and have them return to your shop regularly to see what’s new. - **Season sales and promotions**: Highlight seasonal products to capitalise on market trends and customer needs, even for those offers you have available only for a limited time. Everyone loves a sale, but more especially when one doesn’t miss them! - **That _it_ thing**: Have you noticed some craze over a particular product in your shop’s search? Is something from your shop going “viral”? Everyone who’s *anyone* wants *that*, but needs to show *everyone* particularly *that*. Highlight those products you want to give increased visibility to.
Checking Motive Analytics can help you understand which products could need a push by being recommended or showcasing the one that works best.
The best action to take is to regularly check how your products are doing and how being highlighted in your search affect their sales and add-to-carts. Try different featured products and analyse their impact to achieve a better understanding of your shoppers and your shop.